Friday, April 13, 2007

We want names for the baby…, that is. While "Michael & Jennie Harke's Blog" adheres to the strict rules of the English language, it isn't the catchiest thing around.

Basically, this site is about Jennie and I. Judging from the content of the posts, however, I suppose it is really about the baby. So, time to scrap "Michael & Jennie Harke's Blog" for something more family-friendly.

Personally, I like "For a baby, by at least one baby", but I'm sure the eye-rolling collective (possibly including you, the reader) disagrees. So help a desperate web monkey out and leave a comment with a better name. Thank you.

Oh, and sorry ... the names for baby are still safe and securely hidden.

P.S. As a general rule, my posts are not to be taken seriously. So, if you don't understand what I'm rambling about in this post (like my readers from Texas), pretend I'm typing all of this with a stupid grin on my face.


  1. How about Our blessed baby blog???? Since you don't know if it is a girl or boy yet... Or how about Magical Baby Blog????

  2. Hey Crissy, thanks for joining in. Didn't think anyone was going to humor me with some names.

    Nice suggestions, too. I'm thinking that the "blog" part could even be eliminated, as both names sound even better without it.

    Now ... anyone else?

  3. How about "Harke Happenings"? Not too original, but it works. Anyway, what's this about Texas readers?

  4. Oh, you're from Texas too? Imagine that. :twisted:

  5. How about "The Harke Herald," or "Harke Chronicles?"

  6. I like "The Harke Herald" and "Harke Happenings".

  7. The Harke Herald rules!!!!!!!
