Saturday, July 28, 2007

2 months old

This post is a few days overdue, but as Mike said, punctuality has not been our forte of late.

Alyssa was 2 months old on Tuesday! She is not fitting into many of her newborn clothes and we have been curious as to her height and weight. I had to take her to her 2 month check up yesterday to find out!

She now weighs 11 pounds, 7.5 ounces (up 3 pounds, 3.5 ounces from her 2 week checkup) and is 23 inches long! Her weight is in the 64th percentile, height in the 71st percentile (will she be tall like Daddy?), and her head circumference is in the 46th percentile (so she does not have a big noggin like I did... proudly in the 80th or 90th percentile as a munchkin according to my Mom!)

According to Dr. Forte, Alyssa is performing all of the 2 month milestones... holding her head up, recognizing Mommy and Daddy, getting excited at feeding time, pushing up when placed on her tummy, smiling, and cooing.

The poor baby had to have 3 shots and one oral vaccine. She did not like them, but recovered quickly and was back to her sweet self for most of the afternoon.


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