Friday, May 4, 2007

What I learned at baby school

I had meant to comment on the baby delivery classes a week ago (while it was still fresh in my mind), so you'll have to forgive me if this post seems a little ... unfocused. Anyway, speaking only for myself (I'm sure Jennie absorbed more than I did), here is what I learned at baby school:

  • Baby school is long. Really long. 9 hours of unpaid work. I'm still looking for confirmation of my credit hours in the mail

  • The videos aren't as scary as you may have imagined. The forceps that may have to be used during the actual delivery, on the other hand ...

  • However, the videos apparently used to be as scary as you may have imagined. According to our instructor, a now-retired video (thankfully) on C-sections once caused a guy to jump out of his seat and lose his balance on his way out into the hall to vomit, ending in a coma (and probably a lifetime of heckling)

  • Yep, the other fathers-to-be looked uncomfortable to be there. You would be too, having to learn more about female anatomy in 10 minutes than you've probably heard in your entire life

  • Babies don't really care about what we learned regarding child delivery. Lucky them

  • I can never look at an exercise ball the same again. If you have to ask why, consider yourself fortunate

  • The biggest surprise for me was just how much a baby can fill his/her first diaper. I'll probably be scarred for life once I can visually confirm this

The most important thing I learned from the two classes, however, is that I'll probably end up acting like the mushy, crying fathers shown holding their newly-delivered babies for the first time ... and I won't mind.


  1. I'm so proud of you!!!!

  2. Thanks mom, I know I learned a lot. :roll:

  3. Haha! I had no idea about the exercise ball either until Jennie told me. LOL.

  4. couples testing the exercise ball.
