Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Little Monkey

Again, the Little Imitator! Alyssa is big into the imaginative play lately. She wants to pretend to do everything she sees us do. Here, she HAD to wear my headset to talk on the phone. The last picture is when she used the no- skid mat from under the rug as a shawl. Totally her idea, clearly not something I would have suggested!

She has also decided that she likes to"mick" (mix, to the rest of us) and help me bake. My parents got her some great kitchen playsets for Christmas with metal pots, pans and cooking utensils, as well as some baking tools. She loves to dump the box out and set up a baking center on the coffee table. She even dragged me over to sit and play with her this week! A few weeks ago, she enjoyed licking the beaters of some cake mix and frosting... check it out!


I'm looking forward to turning this imitation into Mommy/ daughter crafting time very soon!


  1. Will you have your daughter tell my daughter that it's ok to wear bows and clips in her hair? :)

  2. Sure! Let's get them together to trade secrets!

  3. Oh my gosh, can you imagine it? They'd both drive us up a wall! And it would be our fault for getting them together :)
