Monday, October 13, 2008

Tutu Cute

I made Alyssa a tutu a couple of weeks ago... I had gotten the idea from various websites I found in my quest for crafty things to do this Fall. She wasn't too sure what she thought of it at first, but she really enjoys it now. She is becoming quite the little girly- girl... she loves to wear jewelry and carry purses and dance and sing into her microphone (or anything that looks like one). Check out the pics!

Also included are a couple of pics of her now curly- blonde hair. What a difference a year and a half makes! Her hair is curly like this in the humidity, on a windy day, or after a bath. I love it and am so jealous!



  1. oh my gosh she looks so different! I wouldn't have even recognized her!

  2. We barely recognize her some days! She has changed so much!
