Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Alyssa’s “baby dance”

Sorry about the shortage of posts recently.  Between our work schedules and Alyssa's sleep schedule (or lack of), the blog has temporarily dropped a few notches on the priority scale.

At least today's post is a fun one: Alyssa's "baby dance".  Since it is easier to show than explain, just click on the video below and see for yourself.   I might suggest muting the volume, though, as the commentary and classy noises near the end aren't up to our usual high standards:



  1. Absolutely ADORABLE!!!!

  2. She is so cute!!! Wish I could hold her again.
    Love, Grammie

  3. I definitely recognized the source of that burp in the video!

    JJ-shame on you.

  4. Good ears, Terri! JJ was definitely very... vocal that evening!

    How are things with your grandbaby? We haven't seen any pictures yet! Send some our way if you get a chance!
